Elite Production Sires
Dovea Genetics have launched a new extensive range of elite production dairy sires for the 2022 / 23 breeding season.
We are delighted to present our Holstein bulls in this directory with current proof information (Irish & country of origin) and the dam, grandam or daughter production performance figures. This is the most comprehensive level of information we have ever put in a Sire Directory which will help you identify sires for your farming system. The sires (genomic & daughter proven) are a mixture of imported and Irish sires the majority of which are available sexed.
The demand for sexed semen continues to increase in the Irish market. To ensure you have sexed semen for your breeding season we advise you to speak to your Area Representative or
A.I. Technician and place your order early. We advise any dairy farmer that has not used sexed semen previously to follow the Teagasc guidelines strictly on the use of sexed semen.
We sincerely hope you enjoy studying this updated line-up of sires and wish you every success with your upcoming breeding season.